2022 — A decisive year!

Start focusing on sincerity.
2022 feels right. After all the initial challenges, things are coming together. Care Outreach Initiative, Lib, Inc sees progress in every advocacy; some more than others, but in general, dynamic!

In 2021, on April 26 we signed a Partnership with the FOUNDATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE, Fohrd Advocacy to join them in an effort to stop the culture of silence and Impunity in LIBERIA through Advocacy to PROTECT Human dignity/ Human Rights. We signed and agreed to sponsor 119 fewer Children through Care Outreach Initiative Program for the past school year. Today we have agreed to a climbing ladder of 265 Students in our SCHOLARSHIP Program in BONG COUNTY. Amidst CARE OUTREACH INITIATIVE, LIBERIA, INC has won an Educational project for each child at the Care Outreach to be a Sponsor.

Sometimes many things have to go right for the stars to line up. It seems like it is happening. We will double our efforts in the (1)month to score touchdowns. In Advocacy, we call this the fourth quarter. As for education, 2022 year will be massive!

Thanks to our Board of Directors, CEO and Founder, Volunteers, Partners, Supporters, and all of the 318 Less fortunate and Vulnerable Children we work with at CARE OUTREACH INITIATIVE, LIBERIA, INC! WE SAY A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF US!

We are headed in the right direction and still going. This year, do your thing with as much passion, humility, and honesty as possible. Please do what you do, not for applause, but because it is what’s right. Yes, forget popularity and focus on sincerity in 2022. Be your cheerleader and steer off negative vibes from anyone who perpetuates such. Happy New year 2022!